T&H Lemont recently shipped a New RF-100 Roll Form Mill Rafts System with New Stands for an existing T&H Lemont RF-100 14 Station Roll Form Mill. This was for a customer in the Western United States.
T&H Lemont provides a variety of Mills, Components and Services to the Tube, Pipe and Roll Forming Markets. Services include Tube, Pipe and Roll Form Tooling Designs, Mill Alignments, Rebuilds and Operational Trouble-Shooting. Components offered by T&H Lemont includes, but are not limited to, Cut-Offs (Saw and Shear), Entry Equipment, Strip Accumulators, Edge Preparation Equipment, Seam Orientation Stands, Weld Boxes, Bead Scarfing Systems, Straightening Systems, Quick Change Systems, Dedimplers, Shear Blades and Jaws.