Electrical Service Maintenance

T&H Lemont offers preventative electrical service maintenance programs, application assistance, and on-site training programs. Electrical service maintenance programs allow for problem troubleshooting before a breakdown occurs-saving you thousands of dollars in unscheduled down-time. Our technicians are able to provide:
- Drive System Tune Up – Has it been two or more years since you last synchronized your drives, motors or motor controls? You should call to discuss a drive system tune up!
- Controls Tune Up – We can help tune up and troubleshoot your existing control system and get you back in the drivers seat! Correcting your erratic behavior, unresponsive or sluggish controls, is one of the many things we do best.
- Electrical Installation/Start Ups – Install It! Move It! Upgrade It! We can help you do it!
- PLC programming and training
- AC and DC drive training and start-up
- On-site control system retrofits and upgrades